
Special offer for restaurants, café-bars and hotels

Purchase German technology made syrups, juices, toppings, fruit purees with 10-15% discount and receive service, degustation and samples for free

Company Beverage Ingredients Services offers syrups, natural juices, cider, toppings and fruit purees made with worldwide known and recognized brand Doehler’s raw materials and German technologies.

DOEHLER GmbH produces ingredients used for food and beverages and is the worldwide leader in this field. It has representation in more than 130 countries, while its enterprises are placed in 30 countries.

Doehler Georgia operates in B2B business for 15 years already and holds the main part of manufacture market.

For your maximum comfort:

  • Juices are fitted in special packages – Bag in Box (BIB);
  • Juices do not rust from opening to the last drop and do not contain microbiologic pollution danger;
  • BIB pillows are for one time use and the apparatus does not need washing or disinfection, unlike other juice apparatuses;
  • Juice dispenser-fridge will be given to the client for free exploitation, in case of using some amount of our product;
  • It is possible to brand the apparatus with the client’s logotype;
  • Apparatus’ compact sizes (43x45x88) make it possible to place it anywhere you want and use it easily.

Our Products

We have imported products, as well as German technology and ingredients made products that are being produced on a local market.


We offer up to 50 sorts of fruit and vegetable syrups. We have classic cocktail tastes, as well as common syrups. They are used for pastry produces, as well as for making cocktails, lemonades or juices. Our syrups stand out for their high concentration and accordingly, they have higher indicator of spreading. Based on degustation, we can make syrups fitted for your taste.

Natural juices

We offer a wide range of juices, made with Doehler’s raw materials and natural components, in 5/10 liter packages. We have up to 15 sorts, but we can import or make different kinds of natural juices considering customer’s taste.  With natural juices, we offer dispenser-fridges that can be used for a wide range of non-alcoholic beverages and juices.

Toppings and fruit purees

We offer a wide range of fruit purees and toppings produced by Doehler. Products have a wide area of using in food industry.


Cider line of apple made low-alcoholic soft drink Mr. & Ms. is created with special European recipe that gives our drink a delicate flavor and a light sweet-sour taste. Thanks to its useful substances, this natural drink clears your organism from toxins, improves metabolism and extends lifecycle.

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The origin place of cider is still unknown. According to one version, this drink was brought into France by Spanish sailors in the VI century. Apple wine was drunk in Spain for that time and it was very popular.

In the history cider was known for the old Jews as “Shekar”. This drink was being used by the old Greeks too and it was known as “Schiker”. Accordingly, cider was created much earlier than beer or wine.

Mr. & Ms. Cider

Behind all worldwide known beverages there is a philosophy, as well as in cider’s case and it is very simple: cider – it is a beverage for those people, who appreciate good mind set and lightness of relationships.

Our cider line is created with special European recipe that gives our drink a delicate flavor and a light sweet-sour taste that can enchant even the most pretentious gourmand. Every drunk cup leaves a long-lasting and pleasant fruit flavor.

Cider creates a pleasant harmony with white or red meet. A lot of people prefer to use it with light salads or different kinds of snacks. In some countries cider is served in hot condition with sweets on Christmas and other winter holidays.


Mr.&Ms. cider’s uniqueness is for its 100% natural raw materials and different recipe. Cider is made from different kinds of apple and pear that gives the drink a unique taste. It goes through a natural process of fermentation. Thanks to that the drink keeps its low degree and an excellent fruit flavor.

Useful features
It is confirmed, that moderate consumption of cider not only kills the thirst, but also it has a positive effect on a human’s organism.  Thanks to its useful substances, this natural drink clears your organism from toxins, improves metabolism and extends lifecycle.


In the modern world the demand on natural products rises more and more.  For today cider is one of the popular drinks among the young in Europe, Asia, Japan, Australia, USA and Canada.

There are lots of cider festivals in many countries where lots of species of this excellent drink are presented.

Our Products

We have imported products, as well as German technology and ingredients made products that are being produced on a local market.


We offer up to 50 sorts of fruit and vegetable syrups. We have classic cocktail tastes, as well as common syrups. They are used for pastry produces, as well as for making cocktails, lemonades or juices. Our syrups stand out for their high concentration and accordingly, they have higher indicator of spreading. Based on degustation, we can make syrups fitted for your taste.

Natural juices

We offer a wide range of juices, made with Doehler’s raw materials and natural components, in 5/10 liter packages. We have up to 15 sorts, but we can import or make different kinds of natural juices considering customer’s taste.  With natural juices, we offer dispenser-fridges that can be used for a wide range of non-alcoholic beverages and juices.

Toppings and fruit purees

We offer a wide range of fruit purees and toppings produced by Doehler. Products have a wide area of using in food industry.


Cider line of apple made low-alcoholic soft drink Mr. & Ms. is created with special European recipe that gives our drink a delicate flavor and a light sweet-sour taste. Thanks to its useful substances, this natural drink clears your organism from toxins, improves metabolism and extends lifecycle.

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სიდრის წარმოშობის ადგილი დღემდე უცნობია. ერთ-ერთი ვერსიის მიხედვით ეს სასმელი საფრანგეთში შემოტანილი იქნა ესპანელი მეზღვაურების მიერ VI საუკუნეში. ესპანეთში ვაშლის ღვინოს სვამდნენ და ის დიდი პოპულარობით სარგებლობდა. ისტორიაში სიდრი სახელით ,,Shekar” ცნობილი იყო ძველი ებრაელებისთვის. ამ სასმელს ასევე იყენებდნენ ძველი ბერძნები და ის ცნობილი იყო სახელით ,,Schicker”.
Mr. & Ms. სიდრის უნიკალურობა მდგომარეობს მის 100%-ით ნატურალურ ნედლეულში და განსხვავებულ რეცეპტურაში. სიდრი დამზადებულია რამდენიმე ჯიშის ვაშლისა და მსხლისგან, რაც მას აძლევს განუმეორებელ გემოს. ის გადის დუღილის ბუნებრივ პროცესს, რისი წყალობითაც სასმელი ინარჩუნებს დაბალ გრადუსს და ხილის არაჩვეულებრივ არომატს.
დამტკიცებულია, რომ სიდრის ზომიერი მოხმარება არამარტო კლავს წყურვილის გრძნობას, არამედ დადებითად მოქმედებს ადამიანის ორგანიზმზე. სიდრს თამამად შეგვიძლია ვუწოდოთ ჯანმრთელობის ელექსირი. ამ სასმელში შედის ის კომპონენტები, რომლებიც ხელს უწყობენ ცხიმების დაშლას და მიკლოფლორის ნორმალიზებას საჭმლის მომნელებელ სისტემაში. ვაშლის და მსხლის სიდრი აფართოებს სისხლძარღვებს. დუღილის პროცესში წარმოქმნილი ფერმენტები კი დადებით გავლენას ახდენენ გულ-სისხლძარღვთა სისტემაზე. განსაკუთრებით სასარგებლოა სიდრის ზამთრის პერიოდში მიღება, ის ამაღლებს იმუნიტეტს და ზრდის ორგანიზმის შესაძლებლობებს.
თანამედროვე მსოფლიოში სულ უფრო იზრდება მოთხოვნა ნატურალურ პროდუქტებზე. დღეისათვის სიდრი ერთ-ერთი პოპულარული სასმელია ახალგაზრდებს შორის ევროპაში, აზიაში, იაპონიაში, ავსტრალიაში, აშშ-ში და კანადაში. ბევრ ქვეყანაში ტარდება სიდრის ფესტივალები, სადაც წარმოდგენილია ამ არაჩვეულებრივი სასმელის მრავალი სახეობა.

According to the indicators of price and quality, our product is economic and profitable. Our prices are competitive to other products’ prices that are on market at the moment, whereas our drinks’ taste and quality are much higher. Since we have a local produce, product quantity is not limited and we can deliver in a small period of time.

What will you get?

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